Bray - St Michael


Matches 501 to 1000 of 8591

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
501 BATES, George  1844Bray - St Michael I206474
502 BATES, Gertrude Anne Isabel  1900Bray - St Michael I469717
503 BATES, John  1635Bray - St Michael I225405
504 BATES, John  1863Bray - St Michael I206962
505 BATES, Joseph  1867Bray - St Michael I207055
506 BATES, Kate  1916Bray - St Michael I469938
507 BATES, Sarah  1861Bray - St Michael I469051
508 BATES, William  1655Bray - St Michael I225429
509 BATH, Ann  1761Bray - St Michael I488614
510 BATH, John  1656Bray - St Michael I225450
511 BATH, John  1761Bray - St Michael I226473
512 BATH, Sarah  1764Bray - St Michael I488661
513 BATH, Sarah  1788Bray - St Michael I489053
514 BATHE, John  1661Bray - St Michael I225474
515 BATHE, John  1662Bray - St Michael I225959
516 BATLEY, Anne  1851Bray - St Michael I468765
517 BATO, Caroline  1835Bray - St Michael I489825
518 BATT, Francis  1821Bray - St Michael I227421
519 BATT, Robert  1821Bray - St Michael I227419
520 BATTEL, Christopher  1702Bray - St Michael I225799
521 BATTELL, Elizabeth  1838Bray - St Michael I468481
522 BATTELL, James  1779Bray - St Michael I226765
523 BATTEN, Elizabeth  1857Bray - St Michael I468922
524 BATTEN, Keziah  1847Bray - St Michael I468686
525 BATTEN, Maria  1859Bray - St Michael I468982
526 BATTEN, Sarah  1851Bray - St Michael I468771
527 BATTERSHILL, George  1867Bray - St Michael I207075
528 BATTIN, Elizsabeth  1753Bray - St Michael I488492
529 BATTIN, Hannah  1733Bray - St Michael I488272
530 BATTIN, Mary  1739Bray - St Michael I488333
531 BATTIN, William  1740Bray - St Michael I226215
532 BATTRICK, Caroline  1856Bray - St Michael I468895
533 BATTY, John Higgs  1856Bray - St Michael I206758
534 BATTY, Norah Mildred  1929Bray - St Michael I470131
535 BAUGUST, Ann  1655Bray - St Michael I487555
536 BAYLEY, Harriett  1862Bray - St Michael I469077
537 BAYLIS, Ellen  1868Bray - St Michael I469219
538 BAYLIS, Irene Bertha  1939Bray - St Michael I470309
539 BAYLIS, Watson  1902Bray - St Michael I207605
540 BAYLY, William  1750Bray - St Michael I226318
541 BAYNHAM, Walter John  1923Bray - St Michael I207910
542 BEACH, Alice  1737Bray - St Michael I488313
543 BEACH, Jane  1741Bray - St Michael I488361
544 BEACH, Richard  1689Bray - St Michael I225701
545 BEACH, William  1710Bray - St Michael I225841
546 BEACONSEAL, Ann  1843Bray - St Michael I468598
547 BEADS, John  1764Bray - St Michael I226529
548 BEAL, Ann  1817Bray - St Michael I489494
549 BEAL, Elizabeth  1801Bray - St Michael I489286
550 BEALE, Annie  1906Bray - St Michael I469799
551 BEALE, Elizabeth  1753Bray - St Michael I488494
552 BEALE, Mary  1754Bray - St Michael I488501
553 BEARD, John  1761Bray - St Michael I226476
554 BEARD, William  1797Bray - St Michael I227093
555 BEARE, John  1909Bray - St Michael I207712
556 BEARFOOT, Aaron  1771Bray - St Michael I226645
557 BEARFOOT, Joane  1663Bray - St Michael I487626
558 BEARFOOT, William  1774Bray - St Michael I226690
559 BEASLEY, Ann  1836Bray - St Michael I489836
560 BEASLEY, Richard  1811Bray - St Michael I227283
561 BEASLEY, Thomas  1820Bray - St Michael I227398
562 BEASLEY, William  1807Bray - St Michael I227236
563 BEASLEY, William  1847Bray - St Michael I206548
564 BEASLEY, William  1851Bray - St Michael I206633
565 BEASSEL, John  1841Bray - St Michael I206421
566 BEATCH, Edward  1715Bray - St Michael I225894
567 BEATH, George  1669Bray - St Michael I225520
568 BEAUCHAMP, Alexander  1856Bray - St Michael I206762
569 BEAVIS, Mary  1689Bray - St Michael I487838
570 BECK, George William  1899Bray - St Michael I207571
571 BECK, Mary  1719Bray - St Michael I488062
572 BECK, Ruth Elizabeth  1870Bray - St Michael I469268
573 BECK, Sarah  1729Bray - St Michael I488219
574 BECK, Sarah Ann  1904Bray - St Michael I469764
575 BECKANSEEL, Thomas  1819Bray - St Michael I227376
576 BECKETT, Alfred Harry  1872Bray - St Michael I207151
577 BECKETT, George  1876Bray - St Michael I207239
578 BECKETT, Rose Emma Elizabeth  1921Bray - St Michael I470021
579 BECKFORD, Harriett  1829Bray - St Michael I489687
580 BECKINGHAM, Arthur Reginald  1937Bray - St Michael I208133
581 BECKLEY, Elnar  1689Bray - St Michael I487844
582 BECKLEY, Henry  1843Bray - St Michael I206452
583 BECKLEY, Simon  1662Bray - St Michael I225479
584 BEDDER, Elisabeth  1749Bray - St Michael I488451
585 BEDFORD, Daniel  1802Bray - St Michael I227168
586 BEDFORD, Elizabeth  1807Bray - St Michael I489366
587 BEESLEY, Ann  1861Bray - St Michael I469064
588 BEESLEY, Hannah  1761Bray - St Michael I488625
589 BEESLEY, Henry  1860Bray - St Michael I206876
590 BEESLEY, Joseph  1804Bray - St Michael I227193
591 BEESLEY, Sarah  1808Bray - St Michael I489379
592 BEESLEY, Thomas  1839Bray - St Michael I206370
593 BEEZLEY, John  1829Bray - St Michael I227557
594 BEGBIE, Joan  1929Bray - St Michael I470140
595 BEGERSTAFF, Frederick  1826Bray - St Michael I227494
596 BEIL, Henry  1766Bray - St Michael I226549
597 BEISLEY, Bartholomew  1680Bray - St Michael I225607
598 BELCHAMBER, Maria Sarah  1887Bray - St Michael I469545
599 BELCHER, Elizabeth  1803Bray - St Michael I489325
600 BELCHER, James  1827Bray - St Michael I227506
601 BELCHER, James  1860Bray - St Michael I206887
602 BELDHAM, John  1838Bray - St Michael I206345
603 BELL, Edward Alexander  1896Bray - St Michael I207527
604 BELL, Elizabeth  1846Bray - St Michael I468669
605 BELL, John  1806Bray - St Michael I227212
606 BELL, Lilian Elizabeth  1932Bray - St Michael I470181
607 BELLIN, Adelina Laura  1879Bray - St Michael I469431
608 BELLWORTHY, William John  1907Bray - St Michael I207664
609 BELSON, Elizabeth  1791Bray - St Michael I489120
610 BEMROSE, Maria  1874Bray - St Michael I469332
611 BENDER, Charles Arthur  1919Bray - St Michael I207840
612 BENDING, Elizabeth  1767Bray - St Michael I488699
613 BENET, Ann  1701Bray - St Michael I487930
614 BENFORD, Sarah  1781Bray - St Michael I488932
615 BENHAM, John  1849Bray - St Michael I206573
616 BENHAM, John  1920Bray - St Michael I207869
617 BENHAM, Maria  1851Bray - St Michael I468772
618 BENHAM, Sylvia Selina Jane  1890Bray - St Michael I469573
619 BENHAM, William  1839Bray - St Michael I206364
620 BENINGFIELD, Sarah Ann  1893Bray - St Michael I469622
621 BENNET, Ann  1612Bray - St Michael I487430
622 BENNET, William  1612Bray - St Michael I225291
623 BENNETT, Ada  1925Bray - St Michael I470084
624 BENNETT, George  1796Bray - St Michael I227080
625 BENNETT, George  1817Bray - St Michael I227355
626 BENNETT, George  1842Bray - St Michael I206434
627 BENNETT, Joseph  1849Bray - St Michael I206575
628 BENNETT, Mary  1634Bray - St Michael I487536
629 BENNETT, Thomas  1675Bray - St Michael I225554
630 BENNETT, William  1861Bray - St Michael I206923
631 BENSON, Frederick William  1881Bray - St Michael I207325
632 BENT, Frances  1682Bray - St Michael I487770
633 BENT, [Blank]  1681Bray - St Michael I487756
634 BENT, [Blank]  1682Bray - St Michael I488115
635 BENTE, Elizabeth  1617Bray - St Michael I487451
636 BENTLEY, Mary  1769Bray - St Michael I488742
637 BENTLEY, Robert  1744Bray - St Michael I226259
638 BENTLEY, Robert  1788Bray - St Michael I226928
639 BENTLEY, Sarah  1814Bray - St Michael I489455
640 BENTLEY, Thomas  1779Bray - St Michael I226762
641 BENVELL, Thomas  1697Bray - St Michael I225750
642 BENWELL, John  1772Bray - St Michael I226655
643 BENWELL, Mary  1768Bray - St Michael I488719
644 BENWELL, Thomas  1697Bray - St Michael I225993
645 BERK, Sarah  1695Bray - St Michael I487877
646 BERKLEY, Ann  1655Bray - St Michael I487575
647 BERKSHARE, Sarah  1831Bray - St Michael I489747
648 BERKSHIRE, John  1831Bray - St Michael I227585
649 BERKSHIRE, William  1838Bray - St Michael I206337
650 BERNARD, Humphrey  1617Bray - St Michael I225311
651 BERRY, Joan  1935Bray - St Michael I470230
652 BERRY, John  1842Bray - St Michael I206428
653 BERRY, William  1839Bray - St Michael I206377
654 BEST, John  1689Bray - St Michael I225704
655 BEST, Mary  1818Bray - St Michael I489501
656 BEST, William  1789Bray - St Michael I226936
657 BESWICK, Mary  1874Bray - St Michael I469338
658 BETHELL, Thomas  1740Bray - St Michael I226217
659 BETTERIDGE, John  1849Bray - St Michael I206580
660 BETTERIDGE, Mary  1853Bray - St Michael I468817
661 BETTERIDGE, Mary Jane  1880Bray - St Michael I469442
662 BETTERIDGE, William  1851Bray - St Michael I206632
663 BETTS, Emma  1867Bray - St Michael I469215
664 BEVES, Ann  1695Bray - St Michael I487876
665 BEVINE, William  1696Bray - St Michael I225749
666 BIDDLE, Francis  1668Bray - St Michael I225517
667 BIE, William  1822Bray - St Michael I227425
668 BIGG, Thomas  1833Bray - St Michael I227637
669 BIGGS, Albert William  1936Bray - St Michael I208117
670 BIGGS, Daisy Elizabeth  1934Bray - St Michael I470213
671 BIGGS, Thomas  1741Bray - St Michael I226230
672 BIGNALL, John  1776Bray - St Michael I226730
673 BIGNELL, Ann  1821Bray - St Michael I489557
674 BIGNELL, John  1865Bray - St Michael I207019
675 BILLETT, Anne Jemima  1868Bray - St Michael I469231
676 BILLINGHURST, Elsie Margaret  1937Bray - St Michael I470269
677 BILLINGHURST, George  1861Bray - St Michael I206909
678 BINFEILD, Jane  1618Bray - St Michael I487459
679 BINFEILD, Mary  1631Bray - St Michael I487529
680 BINFEILD, Mary  1682Bray - St Michael I488118
681 BINFEILD, Robert  1619Bray - St Michael I225328
682 BINFEILD, Robert  1678Bray - St Michael I225578
683 BINFIELD, Harold Edwin  1938Bray - St Michael I208158
684 BINFIELD, Laurence Walter  1928Bray - St Michael I207985
685 BINFIELD, Mary  1682Bray - St Michael I487765
686 BIRCH, Thomas Frederick  1842Bray - St Michael I206441
687 BIRCH, William  1893Bray - St Michael I207478
688 BIRD, Agnes Sarah  1926Bray - St Michael I470087
689 BIRD, Ann  1770Bray - St Michael I488762
690 BIRD, Charles  1864Bray - St Michael I206989
691 BIRD, Charles  1880Bray - St Michael I207304
692 BIRD, Daisy Elizabeth  1922Bray - St Michael I470034
693 BIRD, Edith Alice  1922Bray - St Michael I470042
694 BIRD, Eliza  1881Bray - St Michael I469460
695 BIRD, Ellen Louisa  1905Bray - St Michael I469785
696 BIRD, Emily  1898Bray - St Michael I469697
697 BIRD, Ena Victoria  1929Bray - St Michael I470139
698 BIRD, Francis Joseph  1920Bray - St Michael I207858
699 BIRD, Henry  1868Bray - St Michael I207094
700 BIRD, Henry  1883Bray - St Michael I207343
701 BIRD, Julia  1899Bray - St Michael I469701
702 BIRD, Matthew  1830Bray - St Michael I227572
703 BIRD, Thomas  1758Bray - St Michael I226441
704 BIRD, William  1856Bray - St Michael I206767
705 BIRDSEYE, Mary  1765Bray - St Michael I488674
706 BIRT, Herbert Prothero  1916Bray - St Michael I207808
707 BISHOP, Alfred John  1938Bray - St Michael I208151
708 BISHOP, Charles  1885Bray - St Michael I207366
709 BISHOP, Hannah  1878Bray - St Michael I469405
710 BISHOP, Louisa  1865Bray - St Michael I469149
711 BISHOP, Sarah  1778Bray - St Michael I488893
712 BISHOP, Sarah  1792Bray - St Michael I489137
713 BISHOP, Violet Endora  1934Bray - St Michael I470206
714 BISHOP, William  1806Bray - St Michael I227217
715 BISHOPP, Alice  1607Bray - St Michael I487422
716 BISHOPP, Ann  1612Bray - St Michael I487434
717 BISHOPPE, Sarah  1669Bray - St Michael I487657
718 BISLEY, Elisabeth  1742Bray - St Michael I488376
719 BISLEY, Thomas  1747Bray - St Michael I226296
720 BISPHAM, Marianne  1886Bray - St Michael I469526
721 BLACK, Elizabeth  1790Bray - St Michael I489108
722 BLACK, Joseph  1654Bray - St Michael I225419
723 BLACK, Mary  1656Bray - St Michael I487583
724 BLACK, William  1772Bray - St Michael I226659
725 BLACKALL, Albert Lewis  1919Bray - St Michael I207838
726 BLACKALL, Amelia  1898Bray - St Michael I469686
727 BLACKALL, Eliza  1867Bray - St Michael I469198
728 BLACKALL, Frederick John  1902Bray - St Michael I207603
729 BLACKALL, George  1875Bray - St Michael I207213
730 BLACKALL, Harry  1894Bray - St Michael I207489
731 BLACKALL, Herbert  1914Bray - St Michael I207772
732 BLACKALL, John  1830Bray - St Michael I227578
733 BLACKALL, John  1886Bray - St Michael I207379
734 BLACKALL, Mary Ann  1847Bray - St Michael I468692
735 BLACKALL, Minnie  1931Bray - St Michael I470163
736 BLACKALL, Rose  1907Bray - St Michael I469802
737 BLACKALL, Rose Martha Lydia  1939Bray - St Michael I470304
738 BLACKALL, Sarah Ann  1878Bray - St Michael I469413
739 BLACKALL, William  1846Bray - St Michael I206520
740 BLACKFORD, Peter William  1853Bray - St Michael I206692
741 BLACKMAN, Charlotte  1793Bray - St Michael I489166
742 BLACKMAN, Mary  1783Bray - St Michael I488977
743 BLACKMAN, Thomas  1766Bray - St Michael I226547
744 BLACKMORE, Alice Mary  1937Bray - St Michael I470262
745 BLACKMORE, Ernest John  1937Bray - St Michael I208130
746 BLACKWELL, John  1681Bray - St Michael I225619
747 BLACKWELL, John  1682Bray - St Michael I225978
748 BLACKWELL, John  1757Bray - St Michael I226427
749 BLACKWELL, Martha  1723Bray - St Michael I488172
750 BLACKWELL, Mary  1698Bray - St Michael I487900
751 BLACKWELL, Mary Ann  1853Bray - St Michael I468807
752 BLACKWELL, Olive  1837Bray - St Michael I489872
753 BLACKWELL, Robt  1730Bray - St Michael I226100
754 BLACKWELL, Sarah  1780Bray - St Michael I488925
755 BLACKWELL, Sarah  1793Bray - St Michael I489144
756 BLACKWELL, Thomas  1709Bray - St Michael I225838
757 BLACKWELL, William  1682Bray - St Michael I225977
758 BLACKWELL, Wn  1681Bray - St Michael I225618
759 BLAGDEN, Arthur Herbert  1914Bray - St Michael I207777
760 BLAGRAVE, John  1781Bray - St Michael I226798
761 BLAIR, George William Scott  1927Bray - St Michael I207969
762 BLAKE, Anne  1803Bray - St Michael I489321
763 BLAKE, Elizabeth  1870Bray - St Michael I469272
764 BLAKE, Elizabeth Sarah  1888Bray - St Michael I469548
765 BLAKE, George William  1880Bray - St Michael I207308
766 BLAKE, Mary  1842Bray - St Michael I468572
767 BLAKE, Samuel  1754Bray - St Michael I226367
768 BLAY, Adelaide  1877Bray - St Michael I469393
769 BLAY, Ann  1835Bray - St Michael I489812
770 BLAY, Ann  1840Bray - St Michael I468535
771 BLAY, Ann  1858Bray - St Michael I468977
772 BLAY, Charles  1842Bray - St Michael I206439
773 BLAY, Edward  1836Bray - St Michael I227707
774 BLAY, Elizabeth  1779Bray - St Michael I488907
775 BLAY, Elizabeth  1843Bray - St Michael I468597
776 BLAY, Emma  1837Bray - St Michael I489864
777 BLAY, Emma  1874Bray - St Michael I469335
778 BLAY, Hannah  1850Bray - St Michael I468748
779 BLAY, Harriet  1848Bray - St Michael I468703
780 BLAY, Harriett  1871Bray - St Michael I469285
781 BLAY, James  1862Bray - St Michael I206924
782 BLAY, James  1892Bray - St Michael I207463
783 BLAY, James  1901Bray - St Michael I207596
784 BLAY, Jno  1767Bray - St Michael I226564
785 BLAY, John  1768Bray - St Michael I226587
786 BLAY, John  1811Bray - St Michael I227288
787 BLAY, John  1821Bray - St Michael I227414
788 BLAY, John  1829Bray - St Michael I227544
789 BLAY, John  1837Bray - St Michael I227724
790 BLAY, John Richard  1850Bray - St Michael I206606
791 BLAY, Mary  1784Bray - St Michael I489004
792 BLAY, Mary  1815Bray - St Michael I489473
793 BLAY, Nathaniel  1856Bray - St Michael I206761
794 BLAY, Richard  1808Bray - St Michael I227251
795 BLAY, Richard Daniel  1875Bray - St Michael I207219
796 BLAY, Sarah  1797Bray - St Michael I489239
797 BLAY, Sarah  1862Bray - St Michael I469068
798 BLAY, Sarah  1867Bray - St Michael I469205
799 BLAY, Thomas  1784Bray - St Michael I226853
800 BLAY, William  1800Bray - St Michael I227139
801 BLAY, William  1823Bray - St Michael I227458
802 BLAY, William  1847Bray - St Michael I206536
803 BLE, John  1750Bray - St Michael I226320
804 BLEA, Ann  1869Bray - St Michael I469249
805 BLEAK, Mary  1781Bray - St Michael I488941
806 BLEAMIRE, William  1771Bray - St Michael I226643
807 BLOOMFIELD, George Arthur  1889Bray - St Michael I207426
808 BLOWFIELD, John  1829Bray - St Michael I227547
809 BLOWFIELD, Sophia  1828Bray - St Michael I489664
810 BLOYCE, Henry  1933Bray - St Michael I208052
811 BLUCK, William  1676Bray - St Michael I225969
812 BLUCK, William  1680Bray - St Michael I225611
813 BLUCKE, Thomas  1679Bray - St Michael I225593
814 BLUNDELL, Phyllis Edythe  1911Bray - St Michael I469877
815 BLUNDELL, Walter Edward  1928Bray - St Michael I207975
816 BLUNDEN, Marie  1620Bray - St Michael I487483
817 BLUNDEN, Mary  1630Bray - St Michael I487524
818 BLUST, William  1676Bray - St Michael I225555
819 BLYTHE, Doris Eveline  1938Bray - St Michael I470291
820 BLYTHE, Robert Harold  1918Bray - St Michael I207830
821 BOARD, Martha  1689Bray - St Michael I487847
822 BOBBIN, Eliza  1860Bray - St Michael I469038
823 BODDY, James  1916Bray - St Michael I207796
824 BODDY, James  1924Bray - St Michael I207920
825 BODINGTON, Susannah  1822Bray - St Michael I489563
826 BOGUST, Robert  1681Bray - St Michael I225623
827 BOLT, Martha  1722Bray - St Michael I488091
828 BOLT, Martha  1723Bray - St Michael I488160
829 BOLT, William  1714Bray - St Michael I225879
830 BOLTON, Caroline  1851Bray - St Michael I468774
831 BOLTON, Eleanor  1767Bray - St Michael I488700
832 BOLTON, Ellen  1889Bray - St Michael I469560
833 BOLTON, Emma  1847Bray - St Michael I468682
834 BOLTON, John  1770Bray - St Michael I226636
835 BOLTON, John  1858Bray - St Michael I206829
836 BOLTON, Sarah Elizabeth  1863Bray - St Michael I469099
837 BOLTSON, Robert  1705Bray - St Michael I225816
838 BONCEY, James  1794Bray - St Michael I227035
839 BOND, Charles  1864Bray - St Michael I206994
840 BOND, Elizabeth  1871Bray - St Michael I469286
841 BOND, Frederick  1872Bray - St Michael I207158
842 BOND, Henry  1777Bray - St Michael I226735
843 BOND, James  1842Bray - St Michael I206446
844 BOND, John  1797Bray - St Michael I227100
845 BOND, Sydney  1928Bray - St Michael I207977
846 BONFOY, Nathaniel  1688Bray - St Michael I225695
847 BOOL, Thomas  1752Bray - St Michael I226342
848 BOOTH, Albert Edwin  1898Bray - St Michael I207550
849 BORROWS, Ann  1832Bray - St Michael I489758
850 BOSHER, Charlotte  1844Bray - St Michael I468619
851 BOSHER, Emma  1867Bray - St Michael I469204
852 BOSHER, Henry  1806Bray - St Michael I227221
853 BOSHER, James  1856Bray - St Michael I206753
854 BOSHER, Joan  1680Bray - St Michael I487754
855 BOSHER, Mary  1834Bray - St Michael I489805
856 BOSLEY, John  1831Bray - St Michael I227590
857 BOSSINGHAM, Florence Olive  1916Bray - St Michael I469935
858 BOSSWARD, George  1808Bray - St Michael I227237
859 BOSWELL, Eliza  1735Bray - St Michael I488292
860 BOSWELL, Robert  1734Bray - St Michael I226148
861 BOTO, Mary Ann  1857Bray - St Michael I468941
862 BOTO, Sarah  1838Bray - St Michael I468488
863 BOTTOMLY, Mary Ann  1842Bray - St Michael I468574
864 BOTTRILL, Jessie Arnold  1922Bray - St Michael I470037
865 BOUBWORTH, Tilomon  1688Bray - St Michael I225696
866 BOULSTRIDGE, Sarah  1740Bray - St Michael I488354
867 BOULT, Ann  1702Bray - St Michael I487936
868 BOULT, Ann  1712Bray - St Michael I487989
869 BOULT, Ann  1886Bray - St Michael I469524
870 BOULT, Annie Rosina  1921Bray - St Michael I470024
871 BOULT, Christopher  1835Bray - St Michael I227670
872 BOULT, Elizabeth  1806Bray - St Michael I489350
873 BOULT, Elizabeth  1830Bray - St Michael I489715
874 BOULT, Francis William  1910Bray - St Michael I207718
875 BOULT, John  1784Bray - St Michael I226862
876 BOULT, Mary  1680Bray - St Michael I487750
877 BOULT, Sarah  1784Bray - St Michael I488998
878 BOULT, Sarah  1784Bray - St Michael I489001
879 BOULT, Sarah  1811Bray - St Michael I489417
880 BOULT, William  1900Bray - St Michael I207583
881 BOULTAR, Edward  1696Bray - St Michael I225744
882 BOULTE, Elizabeth  1702Bray - St Michael I487939
883 BOULTER, Eliza  1879Bray - St Michael I469434
884 BOULTER, Joseph  1838Bray - St Michael I206339
885 BOULTON, Hester  1775Bray - St Michael I488852
886 BOULTON, John  1744Bray - St Michael I226258
887 BOULTON, Sarah  1772Bray - St Michael I488790
888 BOULTON, Stephen  1827Bray - St Michael I227508
889 BOULTON, Thomas  1747Bray - St Michael I226291
890 BOULTSTRIDGE, Elizabeth  1741Bray - St Michael I488365
891 BOURNE, William George  1882Bray - St Michael I207339
892 BOUTCHER, Lilian Mabel  1899Bray - St Michael I469699
893 BOVENTON, Samuel  1714Bray - St Michael I225881
894 BOVINGTON, Sarah  1783Bray - St Michael I488982
895 BOWDEN, Alice Marion  1905Bray - St Michael I469777
896 BOWDEN, Annie Ada  1907Bray - St Michael I469806
897 BOWDEN, David  1823Bray - St Michael I227452
898 BOWDEN, Richard  1853Bray - St Michael I206683
899 BOWEN, John  1844Bray - St Michael I206479
900 BOWER, Arthur William Frederick De Courey  1895Bray - St Michael I207512
901 BOWER, Emily Mary  1901Bray - St Michael I469735
902 BOWERMAN, Alice Rose  1909Bray - St Michael I469848
903 BOWERS, Edward  1765Bray - St Michael I226546
904 BOWERS, Sarah  1872Bray - St Michael I469299
905 BOWERS, Sidney Herbert  1925Bray - St Michael I207944
906 BOWLER, Mary  1821Bray - St Michael I489553
907 BOWLER, Wm  1721Bray - St Michael I225937
908 BOWLES, Emma  1841Bray - St Michael I468557
909 BOWLEY, Joseph  1839Bray - St Michael I206384
910 BOWLEY, Thomas  1702Bray - St Michael I225795
911 BOWSHER, William  1801Bray - St Michael I227152
912 BOWWORTH, Tilomore  1688Bray - St Michael I225694
913 BOWYER, Alce  1656Bray - St Michael I487582
914 BOWYER, Alice  1657Bray - St Michael I487589
915 BOWYER, Alice  1723Bray - St Michael I488094
916 BOWYER, Alice  1723Bray - St Michael I488163
917 BOWYER, Aurter  1657Bray - St Michael I225455
918 BOWYER, Benjamin  1840Bray - St Michael I206390
919 BOWYER, Daniel  1680Bray - St Michael I225610
920 BOWYER, Elizabeth  1684Bray - St Michael I487789
921 BOWYER, Elizabeth  1867Bray - St Michael I469208
922 BOWYER, Frances Augusta  1825Bray - St Michael I489623
923 BOWYER, Hannah  1808Bray - St Michael I489385
924 BOWYER, Hen.  1654Bray - St Michael I225423
925 BOWYER, Henery  1662Bray - St Michael I225484
926 BOWYER, Henry  1814Bray - St Michael I227324
927 BOWYER, Henry  1842Bray - St Michael I206436
928 BOWYER, James  1914Bray - St Michael I207780
929 BOWYER, John  1816Bray - St Michael I227338
930 BOWYER, Margrett  1673Bray - St Michael I487681
931 BOWYER, Maria  1618Bray - St Michael I487601
932 BOWYER, Mary  1680Bray - St Michael I487746
933 BOWYER, Mary  1685Bray - St Michael I487802
934 BOWYER, Robert  1776Bray - St Michael I226724
935 BOWYER, Robert  1852Bray - St Michael I206648
936 BOWYER, Simonis  1620Bray - St Michael I225337
937 BOWYER, Steven  1674Bray - St Michael I225546
938 BOWYER, Susan  1877Bray - St Michael I469391
939 BOWYER, Thomas  1770Bray - St Michael I226629
940 BOWYER, Thomas  1826Bray - St Michael I227497
941 BOWYER, Thomas  1855Bray - St Michael I206729
942 BOWYER, William  1800Bray - St Michael I227141
943 BOWYER, William  1804Bray - St Michael I227194
944 BOX, Eleanor  1654Bray - St Michael I487560
945 BOXALL, Eliza  1859Bray - St Michael I468994
946 BOXE, Ann  1666Bray - St Michael I487644
947 BOYCE, Adelaide Elizabeth  1858Bray - St Michael I468955
948 BOYCE, Charles Henry  1852Bray - St Michael I206646
949 BOYCE, George  1863Bray - St Michael I206952
950 BOYCE, Harriet  1866Bray - St Michael I469170
951 BOYCE, Henry Thomas  1870Bray - St Michael I207127
952 BOYCE, Maria  1856Bray - St Michael I468891
953 BOYCE, Martha  1826Bray - St Michael I489629
954 BOYCE, Robert  1838Bray - St Michael I206341
955 BOYCE, Susanna  1776Bray - St Michael I488870
956 BOYD, Alexander Kenneth  1923Bray - St Michael I207907
957 BOYD, Sydney George  1936Bray - St Michael I208097
958 BOYER, Katherine  1694Bray - St Michael I487870
959 BOYER, Mary  1700Bray - St Michael I487913
960 BOYLAT, John  1708Bray - St Michael I225835
961 BOYLAT, Thomas  1696Bray - St Michael I225748
962 BOYLET, Eleanor  1723Bray - St Michael I488093
963 BOYLET, Eleanor  1723Bray - St Michael I488162
964 BOYLET, Eleanor  1733Bray - St Michael I488264
965 BOYLET, Jan[e]  1701Bray - St Michael I487927
966 BOYLET, Mary  1735Bray - St Michael I488291
967 BOYLET, William  1714Bray - St Michael I225882
968 BOZIER, Percy  1918Bray - St Michael I207826
969 BRADBUREY, Stephen  1714Bray - St Michael I225870
970 BRADES, John  1792Bray - St Michael I226991
971 BRADLEY, Ellen  1893Bray - St Michael I469626
972 BRADLEY, William  1628Bray - St Michael I225383
973 BRADS, Mary  1841Bray - St Michael I468562
974 BRADS, Robert  1759Bray - St Michael I226454
975 BRADSHAW, Alse  1635Bray - St Michael I487544
976 BRADSHAW, George Christopher  1895Bray - St Michael I207503
977 BRAID, Hilda Margaret Heron  1926Bray - St Michael I470089
978 BRAIDS, Henry  1830Bray - St Michael I227569
979 BRAIDS, Maria  1816Bray - St Michael I489476
980 BRAIDS, Maria  1862Bray - St Michael I469083
981 BRAKESPEAR, Mary  1804Bray - St Michael I489329
982 BRAL, Thomas  1753Bray - St Michael I226357
983 BRAMPTON, William  1623Bray - St Michael I225369
984 BRAND, Henry Robert  1864Bray - St Michael I206974
985 BRANFORD, Lucy  1855Bray - St Michael I468867
986 BRANGWIN, Arthur Francis  1912Bray - St Michael I207751
987 BRANGWIN, Sarah Jane  1869Bray - St Michael I469251
988 BRANT, Charles Edward  1930Bray - St Michael I208010
989 BRANT, Thomas  1785Bray - St Michael I226872
990 BRASHER, Richard  1612Bray - St Michael I225288
991 BRASIER, William  1757Bray - St Michael I226432
992 BRASWELL, Henry George  1841Bray - St Michael I206412
993 BRAXTON, Winifred Olivia  1925Bray - St Michael I470082
994 BRAY, Ann  1672Bray - St Michael I487672
995 BRAY, Anne  1722Bray - St Michael I488086
996 BRAY, John  1634Bray - St Michael I225400
997 BRAY, Mary  1697Bray - St Michael I487889
998 BRAYE, Bartholomew  1607Bray - St Michael I225286
999 BREACH, James  1830Bray - St Michael I227563
1000 BREAD, Robert  1724Bray - St Michael I226041

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