Wallingford - St Mary the More


Matches 501 to 1000 of 3187

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
501 BUSHNELL, Mary  1683Wallingford - St Mary the More I443119
502 BUSHNELL, William  1688Wallingford - St Mary the More I180996
503 BUTCHER, Ann  1841Wallingford - St Mary the More I444078
504 BUTCHER, Ann  1855Wallingford - St Mary the More I444141
505 BUTCHER, Fanny Weedon  1857Wallingford - St Mary the More I444148
506 BUTCHER, Francis  1857Wallingford - St Mary the More I182008
507 BUTCHER, Kate  1883Wallingford - St Mary the More I444263
508 BUTCHER, Mark  1827Wallingford - St Mary the More I181841
509 BUTCHER, Mark  1836Wallingford - St Mary the More I181892
510 BUTCHER, Mary Jane  1860Wallingford - St Mary the More I444158
511 BUTLER, Eliza  1893Wallingford - St Mary the More I444317
512 BUTLER, Emily Georgina  1906Wallingford - St Mary the More I444388
513 BUTLER, Harriet  1838Wallingford - St Mary the More I444054
514 BUTON, Ann  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I442958
515 BUTTEN, Ellyzabeth  1656Wallingford - St Mary the More I442989
516 BUTTEN, Elnor  1656Wallingford - St Mary the More I442981
517 BUTTEN, Richard  1658Wallingford - St Mary the More I180878
518 BUTTER, Richard  1656Wallingford - St Mary the More I180843
519 BUTTLER, Joane  1685Wallingford - St Mary the More I443125
520 BUTTON, Anne  1706Wallingford - St Mary the More I443292
521 BUTTON, Edward  1762Wallingford - St Mary the More I181420
522 BUTTON, Eliza  1790Wallingford - St Mary the More I443750
523 BUTTON, Elizabeth  1761Wallingford - St Mary the More I443550
524 BUTTON, Frances  1672Wallingford - St Mary the More I443039
525 BUTTON, Jane Esther  1836Wallingford - St Mary the More I444038
526 BUTTON, John  1679Wallingford - St Mary the More I180959
527 BUTTON, John  1756Wallingford - St Mary the More I181377
528 BUTTON, John  1761Wallingford - St Mary the More I181410
529 BUTTON, John  1772Wallingford - St Mary the More I181494
530 BUTTON, John  1820Wallingford - St Mary the More I181794
531 BUTTON, Mary  1704Wallingford - St Mary the More I443267
532 BUTTON, Thomas  1780Wallingford - St Mary the More I181560
533 BUTTS, Louisa  1801Wallingford - St Mary the More I443835
534 BYASS, Georgiana  1856Wallingford - St Mary the More I444144
535 BYRT, John  1660Wallingford - St Mary the More I180891
536 BYSON, Mary Dunn  1910Wallingford - St Mary the More I444421
537 CADEL, James  1793Wallingford - St Mary the More I181628
538 CADEL, Mary Louisa  1914Wallingford - St Mary the More I444443
539 CALLIS, Ann  1681Wallingford - St Mary the More I443114
540 CAMERON, Mary Jane  1919Wallingford - St Mary the More I444492
541 CANNON, Sarah  1837Wallingford - St Mary the More I444052
542 CANON, John  1677Wallingford - St Mary the More I180950
543 CARADISE, Margaret  1692Wallingford - St Mary the More I443154
544 CARADISE, Mary  1696Wallingford - St Mary the More I443175
545 CARLETON, Edward  1702Wallingford - St Mary the More I181102
546 CARR, Joseph Noel  1920Wallingford - St Mary the More I182365
547 CARSON, James  1899Wallingford - St Mary the More I182209
548 CARTER, Ann  1692Wallingford - St Mary the More I443150
549 CARTER, Charles  1827Wallingford - St Mary the More I181835
550 CARTER, Elizabeth  1823Wallingford - St Mary the More I443953
551 CARTER, Francis  1885Wallingford - St Mary the More I182137
552 CARTER, Jemima Maud  1902Wallingford - St Mary the More I444371
553 CARTER, John  1791Wallingford - St Mary the More I181612
554 CARTER, John  1806Wallingford - St Mary the More I181720
555 CARTER, Lucy Florence  1900Wallingford - St Mary the More I444357
556 CARTER, Mary  1711Wallingford - St Mary the More I443371
557 CARTER, Mary  1721Wallingford - St Mary the More I443440
558 CARTER, Mary Louisa  1896Wallingford - St Mary the More I444331
559 CARTER, Prince Frederick  1919Wallingford - St Mary the More I182348
560 CARTER, Walter Oliver  1898Wallingford - St Mary the More I182204
561 CARVER, Mary  1702Wallingford - St Mary the More I443243
562 CARY, Hannah  1808Wallingford - St Mary the More I443872
563 CARY, John  1780Wallingford - St Mary the More I181554
564 CASBEARD, Hannah  1764Wallingford - St Mary the More I443575
565 CASBIRD, Mary Ann  1883Wallingford - St Mary the More I444267
566 CASBURN, Gulialmus  1674Wallingford - St Mary the More I180923
567 CASBURN, Joan  1703Wallingford - St Mary the More I443251
568 CASSEL, Mary  1755Wallingford - St Mary the More I443502
569 CASSEL, Richard  1755Wallingford - St Mary the More I181367
570 CASSELL, Anne  1759Wallingford - St Mary the More I443534
571 CASTELL, George  1879Wallingford - St Mary the More I182104
572 CASTER, Cooper  1759Wallingford - St Mary the More I181403
573 CASTLE, Elizabeth  1827Wallingford - St Mary the More I443983
574 CASTLE, John  1813Wallingford - St Mary the More I181756
575 CASTLE, William  1761Wallingford - St Mary the More I181414
576 CASTOR, Francis  1779Wallingford - St Mary the More I181548
577 CATCH, William  1789Wallingford - St Mary the More I181606
578 CATE, John  1698Wallingford - St Mary the More I181046
579 CATHERALL, Augustus Widdows  1909Wallingford - St Mary the More I182268
580 CATTREALL, Richard Dallton  1868Wallingford - St Mary the More I182053
581 CAUDLIN, William Roderick  1914Wallingford - St Mary the More I182301
582 CAUDRY, Katherine  1670Wallingford - St Mary the More I443037
583 CAUDWELL, Gordon  1902Wallingford - St Mary the More I182224
584 CAVELL, Dulcie  1915Wallingford - St Mary the More I444456
585 CAVELL, Nesta Violet  1910Wallingford - St Mary the More I444419
586 CAWDERY, John  1691Wallingford - St Mary the More I181005
587 CAWDRY, Mary  1692Wallingford - St Mary the More I443155
588 CHADWELL, John  1692Wallingford - St Mary the More I181008
589 CHADWICK, Henrietta Bell  1891Wallingford - St Mary the More I444305
590 CHAMBERLAIN, Amelia Mary  1916Wallingford - St Mary the More I444460
591 CHAMBERLAIN, Herbert Lawrence  1920Wallingford - St Mary the More I182360
592 CHAMBERLAIN, John  1785Wallingford - St Mary the More I181588
593 CHAMP, William  1781Wallingford - St Mary the More I181564
594 CHAMPION, Anne  1875Wallingford - St Mary the More I444226
595 CHANCELLOUR, Mary  1695Wallingford - St Mary the More I443173
596 CHANDLER, Mary Humphrey  1833Wallingford - St Mary the More I444013
597 CHAPMAN, George Phillip  1915Wallingford - St Mary the More I182314
598 CHAPMAN, Hannah  1847Wallingford - St Mary the More I444103
599 CHAPMAN, Mary  1687Wallingford - St Mary the More I443132
600 CHAPPELL, Jane  1851Wallingford - St Mary the More I444123
601 CHAPPLE, Henry  1690Wallingford - St Mary the More I181002
602 CHAPPLE, Richard  1838Wallingford - St Mary the More I181913
603 CHARLES, Ellen  1917Wallingford - St Mary the More I444468
604 CHENEY, Jane  1839Wallingford - St Mary the More I444066
605 CHENY, Ann  1673Wallingford - St Mary the More I443052
606 CHERRILL, Brackley  1896Wallingford - St Mary the More I182189
607 CHERRILL, Mary Ann  1813Wallingford - St Mary the More I443899
608 CHESTERMAN, Caroline  1861Wallingford - St Mary the More I444168
609 CHESTERMAN, Mary Ann  1876Wallingford - St Mary the More I444234
610 CHILD, Frances  1722Wallingford - St Mary the More I443442
611 CHILD, Jane  1833Wallingford - St Mary the More I444015
612 CHILD, Thomas  1709Wallingford - St Mary the More I181187
613 CHILDE, Abraham  1711Wallingford - St Mary the More I181230
614 CHILDREY, James  1712Wallingford - St Mary the More I181272
615 CHIPP, Henry  1765Wallingford - St Mary the More I181443
616 CHIVERS, Mary  1841Wallingford - St Mary the More I444077
617 CHRISTMAS, Joan  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I443345
618 CHRISTMAS, Symon  1656Wallingford - St Mary the More I180853
619 CHURCH, Elizabeth  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I443350
620 CHURCH, Jane  1686Wallingford - St Mary the More I443127
621 CHURCH, John  1657Wallingford - St Mary the More I180875
622 CHURCH, Joseph  1797Wallingford - St Mary the More I181662
623 CHURCH, Kezia  1701Wallingford - St Mary the More I443222
624 CHURCH, Mary Ann  1803Wallingford - St Mary the More I443842
625 CHURCH, Richard  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I180813
626 CHURCH, Richard  1761Wallingford - St Mary the More I181416
627 CHURCH, Thomas  1811Wallingford - St Mary the More I181743
628 CHURCH, William  1830Wallingford - St Mary the More I181862
629 CHURCH, William Henry  1874Wallingford - St Mary the More I182080
630 CHURCHILL, Francis William  1900Wallingford - St Mary the More I182216
631 CLACK, Elizabeth  1768Wallingford - St Mary the More I443612
632 CLACK, James  1694Wallingford - St Mary the More I181019
633 CLACK, Thomas  1703Wallingford - St Mary the More I181113
634 CLACK, William  1703Wallingford - St Mary the More I181112
635 CLACKE, Guiliamus  1672Wallingford - St Mary the More I180898
636 CLACKSON, Elizabeth  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I443343
637 CLANVIL, Mary  1731Wallingford - St Mary the More I443450
638 CLARC, Johannus  1670Wallingford - St Mary the More I180896
639 CLARK, Daniel  1757Wallingford - St Mary the More I181379
640 CLARK, Elizabeth  1757Wallingford - St Mary the More I443522
641 CLARK, Frances  1779Wallingford - St Mary the More I443690
642 CLARK, Hannah  1711Wallingford - St Mary the More I443393
643 CLARK, Hannah  1759Wallingford - St Mary the More I443541
644 CLARK, Jane  1789Wallingford - St Mary the More I443747
645 CLARK, Joh  1694Wallingford - St Mary the More I181023
646 CLARK, Mary  1706Wallingford - St Mary the More I443288
647 CLARK, Thomas  1698Wallingford - St Mary the More I181048
648 CLARK, William  1657Wallingford - St Mary the More I180870
649 CLARKE, Anne  1829Wallingford - St Mary the More I444000
650 CLARKE, Edward  1681Wallingford - St Mary the More I180970
651 CLARKE, Eliza Matilda  1884Wallingford - St Mary the More I444271
652 CLARKE, John Robert  1766Wallingford - St Mary the More I181453
653 CLARKE, Mary Shaw  1841Wallingford - St Mary the More I444079
654 CLARKE, Thomas  1672Wallingford - St Mary the More I180910
655 CLARKE, William Sare  1906Wallingford - St Mary the More I182248
656 CLARKE, William Shaw  1819Wallingford - St Mary the More I181788
657 CLAYDEN, Peter  1826Wallingford - St Mary the More I181833
658 CLAYDEN, Samuel  1853Wallingford - St Mary the More I181992
659 CLAYTON, Joseph  1833Wallingford - St Mary the More I181875
660 CLEAVER, John  1776Wallingford - St Mary the More I181526
661 CLEDEN, Ann  1773Wallingford - St Mary the More I443642
662 CLEGHORN, John  1901Wallingford - St Mary the More I182221
663 CLEGHORN, Robert  1908Wallingford - St Mary the More I182267
664 CLEGHORN, William  1907Wallingford - St Mary the More I182256
665 CLEMENT, Hannah  1708Wallingford - St Mary the More I443314
666 CLEMENTS, John  1763Wallingford - St Mary the More I181430
667 CLENDENING, Eleanor  1775Wallingford - St Mary the More I443657
668 CLERK, Anthony  1708Wallingford - St Mary the More I181172
669 CLERKE, Gulielmus  1676Wallingford - St Mary the More I180941
670 CLIFFORD, Charles  1845Wallingford - St Mary the More I181957
671 CLIFFORD, Elizabeth  1762Wallingford - St Mary the More I443562
672 CLIFTON, Ethel Maude  1914Wallingford - St Mary the More I444442
673 CLISBY, Anna  1674Wallingford - St Mary the More I443068
674 CLUFFE, William  1709Wallingford - St Mary the More I181193
675 COALL, John  1657Wallingford - St Mary the More I180863
676 COATES, William  1840Wallingford - St Mary the More I181926
677 COBB, Richard  1707Wallingford - St Mary the More I181160
678 COCK, Margaret  1654Wallingford - St Mary the More I442945
679 COGGES, Alse  1658Wallingford - St Mary the More I443020
680 COLDNER, Mary  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I442955
681 COLDRY, Ann  1707Wallingford - St Mary the More I443306
682 COLE, Charles  1756Wallingford - St Mary the More I181370
683 COLE, Mary Ann  1833Wallingford - St Mary the More I444016
684 COLE, Sarah  1765Wallingford - St Mary the More I443589
685 COLEMAN, Jane  1714Wallingford - St Mary the More I443421
686 COLES, Ann  1709Wallingford - St Mary the More I443341
687 COLES, Ann  1756Wallingford - St Mary the More I443516
688 COLES, Benjamin  1656Wallingford - St Mary the More I180850
689 COLES, Benjamin  1657Wallingford - St Mary the More I180865
690 COLES, Benjamin  1897Wallingford - St Mary the More I182201
691 COLES, Ellyzabeth  1658Wallingford - St Mary the More I443021
692 COLES, Hugh  1677Wallingford - St Mary the More I180946
693 COLES, Isaack  1657Wallingford - St Mary the More I180873
694 COLES, John Bray  1862Wallingford - St Mary the More I182029
695 COLES, Joseph  1680Wallingford - St Mary the More I180964
696 COLES, Leonard  1680Wallingford - St Mary the More I180965
697 COLES, Mary  1687Wallingford - St Mary the More I443129
698 COLES, Sarah  1672Wallingford - St Mary the More I443041
699 COLLET, Thomas  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I181217
700 COLLIN, Edward  1711Wallingford - St Mary the More I181231
701 COLLINS, Ann  1837Wallingford - St Mary the More I444042
702 COLLINS, Elizabeth  1754Wallingford - St Mary the More I443499
703 COLLINS, Martha  1688Wallingford - St Mary the More I443136
704 COLLINS, Martha  1698Wallingford - St Mary the More I443189
705 COLLINS, Mary  1701Wallingford - St Mary the More I443227
706 COLLINS, Robert  1699Wallingford - St Mary the More I181061
707 COLLINS, Sarah  1809Wallingford - St Mary the More I443873
708 COLLINS, Thomas  1800Wallingford - St Mary the More I181680
709 COLLYER, Catherine  1659Wallingford - St Mary the More I443029
710 COLTON, Sarah  1779Wallingford - St Mary the More I443692
711 COMBS, Jane  1713Wallingford - St Mary the More I443418
712 COMING, Mary  1695Wallingford - St Mary the More I443165
713 COOGGS, Hannah  1834Wallingford - St Mary the More I444018
714 COOK, Alice Louisa  1891Wallingford - St Mary the More I444303
715 COOK, Ann  1752Wallingford - St Mary the More I443494
716 COOK, Ann  1792Wallingford - St Mary the More I443762
717 COOK, Elizabeth Helen  1894Wallingford - St Mary the More I444324
718 COOK, Jane  1781Wallingford - St Mary the More I443702
719 COOK, John  1688Wallingford - St Mary the More I180992
720 COOK, John  1698Wallingford - St Mary the More I181049
721 COOK, John  1707Wallingford - St Mary the More I181158
722 COOK, John  1752Wallingford - St Mary the More I181352
723 COOK, Margaret  1708Wallingford - St Mary the More I443324
724 COOK, Thos  1753Wallingford - St Mary the More I181355
725 COOKE, Maria  1672Wallingford - St Mary the More I443040
726 COOKE, Tomas  1672Wallingford - St Mary the More I180903
727 COOPER, Annie  1902Wallingford - St Mary the More I444366
728 COOPER, Annie Elizabeth  1918Wallingford - St Mary the More I444480
729 COOPER, Elizabeth  1791Wallingford - St Mary the More I443755
730 COOPER, Jane  1764Wallingford - St Mary the More I443577
731 COOPER, Laura Alberta May  1912Wallingford - St Mary the More I444428
732 COOPER, Mary  1762Wallingford - St Mary the More I443559
733 COOPER, Samuel  1916Wallingford - St Mary the More I182321
734 COPE, Alfred  1881Wallingford - St Mary the More I182116
735 COPE, Ellen  1880Wallingford - St Mary the More I444253
736 COPE, Johannus  1672Wallingford - St Mary the More I180901
737 COPE, Marion  1910Wallingford - St Mary the More I444418
738 COPE, Robert  1836Wallingford - St Mary the More I181891
739 COPE, William  1861Wallingford - St Mary the More I182025
740 COPES, Charles  1824Wallingford - St Mary the More I181819
741 COPUS, Edward  1854Wallingford - St Mary the More I181994
742 CORBETT, James  1847Wallingford - St Mary the More I181966
743 CORCKER, Joanna  1675Wallingford - St Mary the More I443076
744 CORDEROY, Ricd  1718Wallingford - St Mary the More I181296
745 CORDERY, Joseph  1707Wallingford - St Mary the More I181159
746 CORDERY, William  1866Wallingford - St Mary the More I182046
747 CORNER, Louis Manton  1844Wallingford - St Mary the More I181953
748 CORNISH, Arthur William Dauncey  1915Wallingford - St Mary the More I182315
749 CORNWELL, Ann  1708Wallingford - St Mary the More I443320
750 COSTAR, Elizabeth  1836Wallingford - St Mary the More I444033
751 COSTAR, Martha  1835Wallingford - St Mary the More I444026
752 COSTAR, Mary  1723Wallingford - St Mary the More I443445
753 COSTAR, Mary Allen  1840Wallingford - St Mary the More I444067
754 COSTAR, Rachel  1783Wallingford - St Mary the More I443716
755 COSTARD, Jane  1722Wallingford - St Mary the More I443444
756 COTTLE, Thomas  1834Wallingford - St Mary the More I181878
757 COTTRELL, Eliza  1894Wallingford - St Mary the More I444321
758 COTTRELL, Ellen  1890Wallingford - St Mary the More I444300
759 COTTRELL, Florence Edith Kate  1910Wallingford - St Mary the More I444423
760 COVENTRY, Ellen Elizabeth  1905Wallingford - St Mary the More I444386
761 COX, Ann  1783Wallingford - St Mary the More I443715
762 COX, Arthur Gill  1903Wallingford - St Mary the More I182237
763 COX, Charlotte Caroline  1829Wallingford - St Mary the More I443997
764 COX, Charlotte Henrietta  1843Wallingford - St Mary the More I444089
765 COX, Edwin Jesse  1880Wallingford - St Mary the More I182111
766 COX, Elizabeth  1703Wallingford - St Mary the More I443256
767 COX, Henry  1824Wallingford - St Mary the More I181816
768 COX, Howard George  1922Wallingford - St Mary the More I182380
769 COX, Jabez  1775Wallingford - St Mary the More I181514
770 COX, James John  1879Wallingford - St Mary the More I182101
771 COX, John  1767Wallingford - St Mary the More I181466
772 COX, Louisa Jane  1924Wallingford - St Mary the More I444537
773 COX, Mark  1886Wallingford - St Mary the More I182143
774 COX, Moses  1716Wallingford - St Mary the More I181285
775 COX, Nesta Louie  1916Wallingford - St Mary the More I444466
776 COX, Thomas  1722Wallingford - St Mary the More I181301
777 COX, Thomas  1767Wallingford - St Mary the More I181464
778 COX, William  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I180833
779 COX, William  1701Wallingford - St Mary the More I181081
780 COXE, William  1678Wallingford - St Mary the More I180952
781 COZENS, Charlotte  1795Wallingford - St Mary the More I443786
782 COZENS, Edith Elizabeth  1924Wallingford - St Mary the More I444538
783 COZENS, William  1820Wallingford - St Mary the More I181795
784 CRABB, Louisa  1869Wallingford - St Mary the More I444199
785 CRAKE, Jesse  1835Wallingford - St Mary the More I181885
786 CRAWLEY, Henry Hughes  1896Wallingford - St Mary the More I182190
787 CRESSWELL, Elizabeth  1794Wallingford - St Mary the More I443776
788 CRESSWELL, Isaac  1818Wallingford - St Mary the More I181781
789 CRESSWELL, Mary  1759Wallingford - St Mary the More I443539
790 CRESSWELL, Nathaniel  1749Wallingford - St Mary the More I181345
791 CRICKMERE, Charles Edgar  1883Wallingford - St Mary the More I182122
792 CROCKFORD, William  1770Wallingford - St Mary the More I181480
793 CROOK, Albert Thomas  1896Wallingford - St Mary the More I182195
794 CROOK, Charles George  1864Wallingford - St Mary the More I182036
795 CROOK, Christopher  1708Wallingford - St Mary the More I181181
796 CROOK, Eliza  1864Wallingford - St Mary the More I444177
797 CROOK, Elizth  1839Wallingford - St Mary the More I444063
798 CROOK, Fanny  1874Wallingford - St Mary the More I444221
799 CROOK, Florence Mary  1917Wallingford - St Mary the More I444474
800 CROOK, George  1880Wallingford - St Mary the More I182109
801 CROOK, James  1698Wallingford - St Mary the More I181045
802 CROOK, John  1714Wallingford - St Mary the More I181275
803 CROSBY, William  1687Wallingford - St Mary the More I180991
804 CROSS, Mary  1702Wallingford - St Mary the More I443233
805 CROUTCH, Walter  1703Wallingford - St Mary the More I181117
806 CRUTCH, Lucie  1700Wallingford - St Mary the More I443214
807 CULLUM, Ann  1850Wallingford - St Mary the More I444121
808 CULLUM, Harriet  1823Wallingford - St Mary the More I443952
809 CULLUM, John Forrest  1875Wallingford - St Mary the More I182090
810 CUMBER, Christopher  1657Wallingford - St Mary the More I180872
811 CUMMINS, John  1777Wallingford - St Mary the More I181540
812 CUMMINS, Sarah  1775Wallingford - St Mary the More I443660
813 CURTEYS, Joseph  1687Wallingford - St Mary the More I180988
814 CURTIS, Charles  1826Wallingford - St Mary the More I181827
815 CURTIS, Edith  1894Wallingford - St Mary the More I444325
816 CURTIS, Elizabeth  1712Wallingford - St Mary the More I443412
817 CURTIS, Elizabeth  1920Wallingford - St Mary the More I444502
818 CURTIS, Frances Ethel  1918Wallingford - St Mary the More I444483
819 CURTIS, John  1692Wallingford - St Mary the More I181009
820 CURTIS, John  1854Wallingford - St Mary the More I181993
821 CURTIS, John  1857Wallingford - St Mary the More I182009
822 CURTIS, John  1869Wallingford - St Mary the More I182058
823 CURTIS, Mary  1700Wallingford - St Mary the More I443217
824 CURTIS, Mary Ann  1858Wallingford - St Mary the More I444152
825 CURTIS, Miriam  1918Wallingford - St Mary the More I444485
826 CURTIS, Ruth  1920Wallingford - St Mary the More I444501
827 DAFTERS, Elizabeth  1790Wallingford - St Mary the More I443749
828 DAFTERS, Sarah  1801Wallingford - St Mary the More I443830
829 DANDRIDGE, Joseph Edward  1922Wallingford - St Mary the More I182386
830 DAVIES, Charlotte Wiltshire  1901Wallingford - St Mary the More I444361
831 DAVIS, Elizabeth  1699Wallingford - St Mary the More I443200
832 DAVIS, Mary  1782Wallingford - St Mary the More I443709
833 DAVIS, Mary  1792Wallingford - St Mary the More I443761
834 DAVIS, William  1886Wallingford - St Mary the More I182141
835 DAWSON, Martha Annie  1902Wallingford - St Mary the More I444369
836 DAY, Ann  1778Wallingford - St Mary the More I443684
837 DAY, Elisebeth  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I442953
838 DAY, George  1742Wallingford - St Mary the More I181334
839 DAY, Jane  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I443354
840 DAY, John  1706Wallingford - St Mary the More I181146
841 DAY, Martha  1783Wallingford - St Mary the More I443713
842 DAY, Mary  1745Wallingford - St Mary the More I443480
843 DAY, Sarah  1787Wallingford - St Mary the More I443732
844 DEACON, Hilda Pauline  1915Wallingford - St Mary the More I444447
845 DEACON, James  1801Wallingford - St Mary the More I181689
846 DEACON, Jane Elizabeth  1869Wallingford - St Mary the More I444201
847 DEACON, Richard  1836Wallingford - St Mary the More I181897
848 DEALY, Amy  1759Wallingford - St Mary the More I443542
849 DEANE, George  1772Wallingford - St Mary the More I181490
850 DEARLOVE, Avery  1708Wallingford - St Mary the More I181177
851 DEARLOVE, James  1802Wallingford - St Mary the More I181697
852 DEARLOVE, John Saunders Leaver  1864Wallingford - St Mary the More I182034
853 DEARLOVE, William  1789Wallingford - St Mary the More I181603
854 DEELY, Elizabeth  1834Wallingford - St Mary the More I444021
855 DEELY, John  1828Wallingford - St Mary the More I181853
856 DEELY, Susannah  1819Wallingford - St Mary the More I443925
857 DEER, William  1773Wallingford - St Mary the More I181500
858 DELL, Robert  1838Wallingford - St Mary the More I181912
859 DELL, Robert  1864Wallingford - St Mary the More I182039
860 DENNIS, Ann  1761Wallingford - St Mary the More I443557
861 DENTON, Nathaniel  1843Wallingford - St Mary the More I181948
862 DENTRY, John  1855Wallingford - St Mary the More I181999
863 DERBRIDGE, Ann  1777Wallingford - St Mary the More I443681
864 DESBURY, Robert  1708Wallingford - St Mary the More I181183
865 DEVON, Esther  1730Wallingford - St Mary the More I443448
866 DEW, Mary  1769Wallingford - St Mary the More I443620
867 DEWBURY, Hannah  1806Wallingford - St Mary the More I443864
868 DICKENS, Jane  1658Wallingford - St Mary the More I443022
869 DICKERSON, Ann  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I443358
870 DICKINS, Thomas  1694Wallingford - St Mary the More I181018
871 DIDCOCK, Elleanor Harriet Fanny  1899Wallingford - St Mary the More I444350
872 DIDCOTT, Nathanill  1680Wallingford - St Mary the More I180966
873 DIGGINS, Mary  1737Wallingford - St Mary the More I443468
874 DIGWEED, Richard  1788Wallingford - St Mary the More I181600
875 DIGWEED, Richard  1811Wallingford - St Mary the More I181746
876 DIGWEED, Sarah  1780Wallingford - St Mary the More I443693
877 DIGWEED, Thomas  1821Wallingford - St Mary the More I181798
878 DIXEY, John  1759Wallingford - St Mary the More I181401
879 DOA, Johannas  1674Wallingford - St Mary the More I180925
880 DOBINSON, Ada May  1915Wallingford - St Mary the More I444453
881 DOBNEY, Henry Hamlet  1829Wallingford - St Mary the More I181859
882 DODD, Emily Newton  1903Wallingford - St Mary the More I444378
883 DODD, Florence Miriam  1892Wallingford - St Mary the More I444308
884 DODD, Gertrude Rebecca  1871Wallingford - St Mary the More I444207
885 DODD, Helen Janette  1884Wallingford - St Mary the More I444273
886 DODD, Madeline  1892Wallingford - St Mary the More I444307
887 DODD, William Charles  1869Wallingford - St Mary the More I182060
888 DOE, Elizabeth  1755Wallingford - St Mary the More I443503
889 DOE, Elizabeth  1769Wallingford - St Mary the More I443617
890 DOLLERY, George  1893Wallingford - St Mary the More I182172
891 DORILL, Maria  1673Wallingford - St Mary the More I443057
892 DOVEY, William  1830Wallingford - St Mary the More I181861
893 DOWLAND, Eliz.  1734Wallingford - St Mary the More I443459
894 DREDGE, Charles  1837Wallingford - St Mary the More I181900
895 DRIED, Elizabeth  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I443362
896 DRING, Mary  1707Wallingford - St Mary the More I443304
897 DUBBER, Elizabeth  1893Wallingford - St Mary the More I444312
898 DUDMARSH, William  1718Wallingford - St Mary the More I181297
899 DUE[?], Mary  1654Wallingford - St Mary the More I442948
900 DUN, Elizabeth  1720Wallingford - St Mary the More I443439
901 DUNN, Franc.  1736Wallingford - St Mary the More I443466
902 DUNN, Mary  1711Wallingford - St Mary the More I443377
903 DUNN, Richard  1707Wallingford - St Mary the More I181150
904 DUNN, Sarah  1740Wallingford - St Mary the More I443474
905 DUNNEN, Elizabeth  1692Wallingford - St Mary the More I443149
906 DUNSDEN, Jane  1678Wallingford - St Mary the More I443094
907 DUNSDON, James  1798Wallingford - St Mary the More I181666
908 DUNSDUN, Elizabeth  1837Wallingford - St Mary the More I444051
909 DURBRIDGE, George  1812Wallingford - St Mary the More I181751
910 DYER, Elizabeth  1773Wallingford - St Mary the More I443638
911 DYER, Emma  1857Wallingford - St Mary the More I444149
912 DYER, Henry William  1857Wallingford - St Mary the More I182007
913 DYER, Kate Emma  1898Wallingford - St Mary the More I444344
914 DYER, Martha  1823Wallingford - St Mary the More I443946
915 DYER, Sarah  1767Wallingford - St Mary the More I443604
916 EALEY, William  1763Wallingford - St Mary the More I181433
917 EASON, Mary  1794Wallingford - St Mary the More I443771
918 EAST, Amelia Elizabeth  1919Wallingford - St Mary the More I444489
919 EAST, Cecilia Rose  1923Wallingford - St Mary the More I444529
920 EAST, Edward  1694Wallingford - St Mary the More I181020
921 EAST, Elizabeth  1682Wallingford - St Mary the More I443115
922 EAST, Martha  1825Wallingford - St Mary the More I443965
923 EAST, Thomas  1755Wallingford - St Mary the More I181362
924 EAST, Thomas  1771Wallingford - St Mary the More I181483
925 EAST, Thomas  1810Wallingford - St Mary the More I181737
926 EASTON, Mary  1780Wallingford - St Mary the More I443698
927 EDDEN, Thomas Lewis  1885Wallingford - St Mary the More I182138
928 EDEN, Martha Elizabeth  1840Wallingford - St Mary the More I444073
929 EDMONDS, William  1827Wallingford - St Mary the More I181836
930 EDNEY, James  1811Wallingford - St Mary the More I181742
931 EDNEY, James  1820Wallingford - St Mary the More I181793
932 EDNEY, William  1805Wallingford - St Mary the More I181714
933 EDWARDS, Charles Wright  1889Wallingford - St Mary the More I182154
934 EDWARDS, Elizabeth  1698Wallingford - St Mary the More I443192
935 EDWARDS, Mary  1847Wallingford - St Mary the More I444104
936 EDWARDS, Richard  1781Wallingford - St Mary the More I181562
937 EDWARDS, William  1808Wallingford - St Mary the More I181728
938 EELES, Elizabeth  1701Wallingford - St Mary the More I443226
939 EELES, Henricus  1673Wallingford - St Mary the More I180914
940 EELES, Henry  1656Wallingford - St Mary the More I180861
941 EELES, Martin  1682Wallingford - St Mary the More I180976
942 EGGLETON, Charles  1842Wallingford - St Mary the More I181942
943 EGGLETON, James  1860Wallingford - St Mary the More I182016
944 EGGLETON, William  1838Wallingford - St Mary the More I181916
945 ELDERFIELD, Jemima  1812Wallingford - St Mary the More I443891
946 ELDERFIELD, Richard  1698Wallingford - St Mary the More I181053
947 ELDRIDGE, Edward  1660Wallingford - St Mary the More I180890
948 ELDRIDGE, Jane  1676Wallingford - St Mary the More I443081
949 ELKINGTON, Thomas  1790Wallingford - St Mary the More I181607
950 ELKINTON, Thomas  1794Wallingford - St Mary the More I181639
951 ELLAWAY, Eleanor  1842Wallingford - St Mary the More I444086
952 ELLAWAY, Thomas  1794Wallingford - St Mary the More I181640
953 ELLIOT, Francis [Sic]  1680Wallingford - St Mary the More I443104
954 ELLIOT, William  1831Wallingford - St Mary the More I181864
955 ELLIS, Johannus  1673Wallingford - St Mary the More I180917
956 ELLYOT, Elyzabeth  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I442972
957 ELLYOT, Thomas  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I180828
958 ELMS, Edward  1794Wallingford - St Mary the More I181635
959 ELTHAM, Thomas  1776Wallingford - St Mary the More I181524
960 ELY, Alfred James  1894Wallingford - St Mary the More I182181
961 EMBLING, Ann  1837Wallingford - St Mary the More I444046
962 EMMETT, Charles  1898Wallingford - St Mary the More I182206
963 EMMETT, Philip  1883Wallingford - St Mary the More I182127
964 EMRY, Thomas  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I180827
965 ENDEL, Ann  1693Wallingford - St Mary the More I443157
966 ENDELL, Martha  1834Wallingford - St Mary the More I444022
967 ENDOL, Martha  1798Wallingford - St Mary the More I443810
968 ENSTAW, Mary  1710Wallingford - St Mary the More I443349
969 ESSEX, Algerena  1883Wallingford - St Mary the More I444265
970 ETHERINGTON, Lillian Maud  1923Wallingford - St Mary the More I444532
971 EUSTACE, Mary  1762Wallingford - St Mary the More I443564
972 EUSTACE, Robert  1770Wallingford - St Mary the More I181481
973 EVANS, Edith Emily  1899Wallingford - St Mary the More I444351
974 EVANS, Elizabeth  1900Wallingford - St Mary the More I444358
975 EVANS, Ellyzabeth  1656Wallingford - St Mary the More I442975
976 EVANS, Emily Edith  1916Wallingford - St Mary the More I444465
977 EVERARD, Alice  1679Wallingford - St Mary the More I443102
978 EVERARD, Ann  1680Wallingford - St Mary the More I443106
979 EVEREST, Marjory  1919Wallingford - St Mary the More I444495
980 FAINS, Mary  1776Wallingford - St Mary the More I443664
981 FAIRTHORNE, Edward  1894Wallingford - St Mary the More I182178
982 FALKNER, Robert Henry  1873Wallingford - St Mary the More I182075
983 FANCOT, Ann  1693Wallingford - St Mary the More I443156
984 FANCOT, Anne  1707Wallingford - St Mary the More I443305
985 FANCOT, Mary  1703Wallingford - St Mary the More I443258
986 FANCUTT, Mary  1679Wallingford - St Mary the More I443100
987 FAREWEATHER, Mary  1702Wallingford - St Mary the More I443236
988 FARNELL, Henry  1856Wallingford - St Mary the More I182001
989 FAULKNER, William Henry  1885Wallingford - St Mary the More I182139
990 FEELD, Thomas  1655Wallingford - St Mary the More I180824
991 FELLOWS, Ruth  1693Wallingford - St Mary the More I443158
992 FELTON, Joseph  1757Wallingford - St Mary the More I181381
993 FERGUSON, Charles Fawcett  1899Wallingford - St Mary the More I182211
994 FIELD, Frances  1703Wallingford - St Mary the More I443252
995 FIELD, George  1917Wallingford - St Mary the More I182327
996 FIELD, Martha  1706Wallingford - St Mary the More I443295
997 FIELD, Thomas Edward  1839Wallingford - St Mary the More I181920
998 FILBEE, Agnes  1902Wallingford - St Mary the More I444370
999 FILBEE, Lizzie  1895Wallingford - St Mary the More I444327
1000 FILBEE, Matha  1893Wallingford - St Mary the More I444311

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